Sternum strap buckle replacement?


Trail Blazer
The buckle on the sternum strap of my pack needs replacing any idea where I could buy another and who would carry out the replacement?



Thru Hiker
What type of buckle is it? On webbing or piping? If it's webbing you can get a sternum strap with a split so it is removable/easy to replace the old one. With piping it should be possible to force a new one on with a screwdriver.


Trail Blazer
Pictures below, I'm guessing I'll need to replace bit the male and female parts

Edit: well they would have been if the uploaded had worked


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Thru Hiker
I just replaced a broken buckle on a sternum strap recently and all I did was unpick the stitches on the webbing (both male and female sides), grab a buckle from my spares box and had a cobbler sew the straps again. Cost me all of £1 but that's with middle-east prices. ;)


Trail Blazer
The issue is the female side isn't on webbing, it has a plastic slider attaching it the the shoulder strap


Trail Blazer
Not sure if that's worked as not showing for me.

But I think the technical name for the type of clip is 'etroclip'


Thru Hiker
OK, so it's like one of these, I guess:

If it's on an Osprey pack, Osprey will send you a replacement for free. But that sounds too much like an easy solution so perhaps it's not on an Osprey pack...