Issues with Gmail

Hi all,

I recently tried to update my email to my gmail account but had an issue where the email confirmation emails were not being received.
I double checked email was correct, not in spam etc to rule out user error. Did some quick googling but not able to find anything useful.
After a few days gave up and have reverted back to my old account, which I was able to confirm immediately.
Anyone else come across the same or know a workaround?
Strange thing was the email notifying me I’d changed my email came through, but not any of the ones to verify my address, even after resending several times


Thru Hiker
Use protonmail instead. I use their premium which comes with VPN. I've moved my main accounts over. Only really use Gmail for Android/Google services now.


Day Walker
i had the same thing with a new account, i didn't receive any confirmation emails at my gmail address, had to change it to protonmail


Chief Slackpacker
Staff member
I think the issue is Google blocks the emails from trek-lite more often than not because it has a low sending reputation, hotmail and outlook dump TL emails in spam but Google totally discards them apparently.

I need to speak to someone far more clued up about 3rd party mail solutions by the sounds of it